30KW off grid solar energy system project in Uzbekistan
Nov 02,2023
sunchees solar system
“I have never seen such quality before, The client thanked you for your work, I wasn’t wrong to choose your “
This message is from Uzbekistan Mr. Mamur installed a 30KW solar energy system after sending feedback to us
This is a long wait. In 2019, Mr. Manur contacted our sales Mr jack, according to the customer's request, MR jack designed a 30KW solar power system quotation Mr. Manur, But after receiving the quote, the customer has been waiting for the construction of the house to be completed
Then came the third year of the epidemic, and this project officially began in October 2023
Mr Manur payment after, we start production it, 7-10days delivery of goods to Mr. Manur, ship time: 15 days, installation time: 7 days, SUNCHEES solar factory Provides fast delivery, quality assurance, and installation services